Campbell's Soup Loop


This was a spec group project which we were tasked with rebranding Campbells Soup. We created a disruptive product to better serve their core customer Tribe. Also made Brand video to reflect the new direction of the rebrand.


To rebrand Campbell’s Soup as the healthy choice for busy health conscious Mom’s and their families.

To produce a brand video for the Super Bowl which reflects the new rebrand.


Campbell’s Soup is not longer perceived as being a healthy option for families. With its high sodium, preservatives, and low price the market perception is Campbell’s is a cheap last minute fast food when you are in dire straights.


Over a period of 5 days there were several phases to Campbell’s rebrand.

First we redefined with the Campbell’s purpose for being. The process we used was digging into Campbell’s past to find key ideas which were timeless attributes. We each wrote an obituary for Campbell’s if the company dissolved 100 years from now. This allowed us to see potential future outcomes which Campbell’s may achieve.


Now our purpose is defined we needed to establish who our ideal customer was. After much debate we decided on a “Caregiver” archetypal mother. We then developed her persona by giving her motivations, values, behaviors, and habits which sculpted her into a relatable character.

At this point we reviewed Campbell’s core offer which was irrelevant to our ideal customer therefore we needed to create an innovative product which fit her lifestyle and needs. After several rounds of product development exercises we created the micro cannery “Soup Loop” concept.


The “Soup Loop” which is a micro cannery which reflects what the target Tribe wants, needs, and cares about. Fresh local ingredients from farms and gardens. A self service kiosk  with an option to use own containers to reduce waste.

Unused ingredients are resourced to local food organizations to feed the food insecure. If there are more left overs they are used as composite for locals farms and gardens.


  • Busy Families now have a fast healthy option to feed their home
  • Support local farmers and gardens
  • Feed the food insecure
  • Zero waste


Now our purpose is defined we needed to establish who our ideal customer was. After much debate we decided on a “Caregiver” archetypal mother. We then developed her persona by giving her motivations, values, behaviors, and habits which sculpted her into a relatable character.

At this point we reviewed Campbell’s core offer which was irrelevant to our ideal customer therefore we needed to create an innovative product which fit her lifestyle and needs. After several rounds of product development exercises we created the micro cannery “Soup Loop” concept.


The “Soup Loop” which is a micro cannery which reflects what the target Tribe wants, needs, and cares about. Fresh local ingredients from farms and gardens. A self service kiosk  with an option to use own containers to reduce waste.

Unused ingredients are resourced to local food organizations to feed the food insecure. If there are more left overs they are used as composite for locals farms and gardens.


  • Busy Families now have a fast healthy option to feed their home
  • Support local farmers and gardens
  • Feed the food insecure
  • Zero waste


Now our purpose is defined we needed to establish who our ideal customer was. After much debate we decided on a “Caregiver” archetypal mother. We then developed her persona by giving her motivations, values, behaviors, and habits which sculpted her into a relatable character.

At this point we reviewed Campbell’s core offer which was irrelevant to our ideal customer therefore we needed to create an innovative product which fit her lifestyle and needs. After several rounds of product development exercises we created the micro cannery “Soup Loop” concept.


The “Soup Loop” which is a micro cannery which reflects what the target Tribe wants, needs, and cares about. Fresh local ingredients from farms and gardens. A self service kiosk  with an option to use own containers to reduce waste.

Unused ingredients are resourced to local food organizations to feed the food insecure. If there are more left overs they are used as composite for locals farms and gardens.


  • Busy Families now have a fast healthy option to feed their home
  • Support local farmers and gardens
  • Feed the food insecure
  • Zero waste
